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Polymorphism & Inheritance MCQs in OOP For Exams Part 1

Polymorphism & Inheritance MCQs in OOP For Exams Part 1. This mcqs will helps in your competitive exams, placements exams and SPPU online exam 2020.

1 Polymorphism is supported by the c++ by using following ways
A function overloading
B operator overloading
C virtual functions
D all of the above

Answer D

2 Compile time polymorphism is supported by
A function overloading
B virtual function
C operator overloading
D both a&c

Answer D

3 Run time polymorphism is supported by
A function overloading
B operator overloading
C virtual function
D both a and b

Answer C

4 Selecting the appropriate overloaded function by the compiler is known as
A late binding
B early binding
C both a and b
D none of the above

Answer B

5 object to function binding is done at compile time then is it known as
A early binding
B compile time binding
C none of the above
D both a and b

Answer D

6 Run time polymorphism is done by using
A function overloading
B operator overloading
C virtual function
D none of the above

Answer C

7 Operator overloading is ---.
A run time polymorphism
B compile time polymorphism
C none of the above
D both a and b

Answer B

8 Which of the following operator cannot be overloaded
A scope resolution operator(::)
B Size of operator (sizeof[])
C Conditional operator(?:)
D All of the above

Answer D

9 Which of the operator cannot be overloaded
A >=
B &
C <=
D ::

Answer D

10 While performing operator overloading which function/keyword we have to use
A Function
B Operator
C Op
D none of the above

Answer B

11 Which of the statement is not true about operator overloading
A we can overload only existing operator
B basic meaning cannot be changed
C binary operator should have return type
D All of the above

Answer D

12 Pick up the correct statement related with operator overloading
A we can overload a class access operator
B we can change the meaning of basic operator
C binary operator should have a return type
D both a and b

Answer C

13 We are overloading a unary operator without friend function how many argument we have
to pass
A 1
B 2
C 0
D none of the above

Answer C

14 Suppose we are overloading a binary operator with friend function, how many parameter
of argument we have to pass
A 1
B 2
C 3
D none of ths above

Answer B

15 we are overloading a binary operator without friend function how many argument we
have to pass
A 1
B 2
C 0
D none of the abve

Answer A

16 What is polymorphism
A it is ability to take many forms
B it is instance of class
C one class acquire the properties of another class
D All of the above

Answer A

17 What is true about the operator overloading
A with friend function we need to pass two arguments for binary operator
B with friend function we need to pass one arguments for unary operator
C both a and b
D none of the above

Answer C

18______allows you to give special meaning to some operator when there are operands
associated with it.
A function overloading
B virtual function
C operator overloading
D none of the above

Answer C

19 Converting from small to larger data type is known as ____.
A promotion
B operator
C polymorphism
D none of the above

Answer A

20 what are the types of type conversion
A implicit
B explicit
C both a and b
D none of the above

Answer C

21 Reusability is supported by following feature
A polymorphisms
B message passing
C inheritance
D operator overloading

Answer C

22 Deriving a new class from a base class is known as __.
A polymorphisms
B inheritance
C message passing
D operator overloading

Answer B

23 Base class is also known as___.
A super class
B parent class
C both a and b
D none of the above

Answer C

24 Child class is also known as
A sub class
B derived class
C both a and b
D known class

Answer C

25 Derived class___ cannot access from base class
A constructor
B destructors
C copy constructor
D all of the above

Answer D

26 we can derive a new class from a derived class
A true
B false

Answer A

27 How many parameter does a conversion operator take?
A 0
B 2
C 3
D as many as possible

Answer A

28__is used to define pure virtual function?
A &
B =0
C @
D *

Answer B

29 Which is also known as abstract class?
A virtual function
B pure virtual function
C derived class function
D base class function

Answer B

30 pick the correct option
A We can make the instance of the abstract class
B We can not make the instance of the abstract class
C both a and b
D none of the above

Answer B

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